I’ve been invited by Dynamite Comics to participate in a 5-issue LEGENDS OF RED SONJA mini-series. The current writer of Red Sonja, Gail Simone, has long been a favorite of mine — and Red Sonja herself was a huge inspiration for me as a writer (and as a kid playing warriors and superheroes with my sisters.)
From the Dynamite Press Release:
Following on the immense success of the newly launched Red Sonja ongoing series by Gail Simone, Dynamite proudly announces the upcoming Legends of Red Sonja prestige miniseries, an extravaganza celebrating the iconic fantasy heroine’s long and storied career. Legends of Red Sonja is a collaborative effort uniting Simone with a star-studded and prestigious creative team including Marjorie M. Liu, Mercedes Lackey, Kelly Sue DeConnick, Rhianna Pratchett, Leah Moore, Tamora Pierce, Blair Butler, Nancy Collins, Meljean Brook, Nicola Scott, Devin Grayson, and more to be announced. Frank Thorne, one of the key artists responsible for defining the character’s distinct look, will be among the artists to contribute cover artwork, as will Jay Anacleto.
My story will appear in Issue #2 as part of a larger, braided story — and you really don’t want to miss a single issue. The scripts are simply fabulous, as is the artwork.
I’ll be adding information about each issue as it is solicited by Dynamite. If you prefer print to digital comics, it’s a good idea to pre-order through the website or at your local comic book shop — the recent reboot of the RED SONJA title sold out in comic book stores, and an order guarantees that you’ll receive your issue on first printing.

Issue #1 – November 6, 2013
Covers: Jay Anacleto
Writer: Gail Simone, Nancy A. Collins, Devin Grayson
Art: Jack Jadson, Noah Salonga, and Carla McNeil
Genre: Sword and Sorcery, Adventure, Superhero
Publication Date: Nov 2013
Format: Comic Book
Page Count: 32 pages
UPC: 725130209290 00111
ON SALE DATE: November 6
Dynamite Entertainment presents a bold new experiment in graphic storytelling, as the biggest female stars in the worlds of prose, television, gaming and comics gather together to tell thrilling stories from the life of Red Sonja, which combine to make up her greatest adventure yet! This issue includes stories by Bram Stoker Award Winner Nancy A. Collins, and beloved Batman scribe, Devin Grayson, all braided together by an epic framing story told by Red Sonja scribe Gail Simone! This book is designed to appeal not just to fans of Sonja, but also the countless readers of these talented writers!
Order at Dynamite | Order at Comixology | Comic Shop Locator