Update: My caffeine addiction (and the size of my ass)
No, I haven’t weaned myself. But to save money, I have stopped going to Starbucks every morning for my triple mocha, and have been downing tons of Diet Pepsi instead.
And I’ve lost about five pounds*.
…maybe I should also take up smoking? I know I should be drinking, because that is the writerly thing to do, but I’d just get sleepy. Would rum & Diet Pepsi cancel each other out?
*although there might be other factors, like fasting from sunrise to sundown for the past month**
**which I do not recommend to anyone who will be at a book signing when they should be eating***
***but will also partially explain the dorkery that will probably soon show up on Ciara’s blog****
****unless she managed to edit it all so that I look somewhat coherent*****
*****although I doubt there’s a video-editing program in the world that could manage that