
Diary of an Author, Day 4
Woke up. Googled self. Found new review of latest release, but the reader spelled my name wrong – the J is not supposed to be capitalized! E-mailed publicist. Asked her to e-mail reader, force a retraction, and demand public apology. Refreshed review for an hour, waiting for correction and contrition. Finally went to Starbucks and […]

Diary of an Author, Day 3
Woke up. Googled self. No new mentions or reviews. I hate everyone. Checked Twitter. Saw an author mention they are not enjoying a recently released book. Didn’t mention the title, but I just know she is talking about my book, because I haven’t seen her mention it on her Twitter stream before this. WHY DON’T […]

Diary of an Author, Day 2
Woke up. Googled self. Found a “new” review on the twentieth search page. Written in 2008. How did I miss before? Copied and sent to publicist, with note that there might be more coming as I search through that blog’s archives. Remembered that it’s Tweet Day. Pulled up social media guidelines. Must not put readers […]

Diary of an Author, Day 1
Woke up. Googled self. Found a new positive review. Sent quote on to publicist. Compiled all quotes ever received and sent to publicist. Just in case she lost the last quote. Cc’d to editor, and editor’s assistant. Bcc’d to self, in case they pretend they never received them later. I will know. Put the best […]

Oh, Klausner
In the haiku thread that led to my new Bad Limerick Saturdays, there was a quick discussion of whether or not authors should respond to review. In general, my answer is “No” — unless there is an egregious error that needs to be pointed out, or one that leads to false expectations that would seriously […]

My book pr0n, let me show you it.
In the past couple of weeks, I saw yet again another claim that romance novels were nothing but chick porn. I have to admit, the opinion of non-romance readers doesn’t really bother me that much. What does bother me, however, is that I always get the sense that these “chick porn” people think that women […]

How To Accidentally Almost Kill Your Husband
Step 1: On Friday night, a little after midnight, decide that you really want something to drink from the kitchen. Step 2: Get up from your desk where you’ve been writing and walk through the living room, where your husband is on the sofa, watching the Chicago-Boston game and eating grapes. Step 3: Make some […]
On Covers and Changes
We talk about covers a lot on this blog, but a couple of conversations around the blogosphere this week reminded me that many readers don’t realize how many changes some covers go through before a final version is released. There are several reasons for those changes: the editors don’t like them, marketing doesn’t like them, […]

An Odd Shots Exclusive! Jill Myles's Cover Revealed!
I know, I know. Mondays are supposed to be Nalini’s days, but the woman is currently gallivanting all over Europe, and so I volunteered her spot. And how lucky am I? Because today, Jill received her final cover for her debut release, GENTLEMEN PREFER SUCCUBI, and I get to show it off to you! Okay, […]
Storytime with Missy, Part 2
Note: This was originally published in 2005 on my old blog, but the fanfic from yesterday reminded me of it, and after some prompting from Maili (she didn’t have to prompt very hard) I decided to republish it, because you can never have too much action figure action. Part 1 is here. MELJEAN: So, here […]
Storytime with Missy, Part 1
Note: This was originally published in 2005 on my old blog, but the fanfic from yesterday reminded me of it, and after some prompting from Maili (she didn’t have to prompt very hard) I decided to republish it, because you can never have too much action figure action. The second part will go up tomorrow. […]
How many shots did Curran take for this?
Friday is the post where (unless we have guests on the weekend) I send you off with something that will hopefully last you until Monday. And, by gosh, I’ll do my best. I present to you: Making Lemons: A Kate Daniels Graphic Fanfic. Yes, it’s just as bad as it sounds. So what are you […]
Memory Lane Continued: Tender Missy
MISSY: I hate you. MELJEAN: What? What do you want me to do? You, my precious inner/former child, should learn to like the closet a bit better. MISSY: Die. MELJEAN: If I do that, then you’ll never see how Tender Rebel turns out. MISSY: It’s a romance, they end up happily-ever-after. MELJEAN: Oh, dear Missy. […]
Memory Lane VI: Missy Goes Scotch
MELJEAN: Well. MISSY: Yeah. MELJEAN: Here we are. (awkwardly stubs toe in dirt) MISSY: Yeah. MELJEAN: …c’mon, now, you can’t hold this against me! I was really busy! MISSY: Uh-huh. MELJEAN: I wrote an effing book, you little twerp! MISSY: Oh, you say that like it’s a big deal. Fatty. MELJEAN: *sob* MISSY: While Meljean […]