Comics and Superheroes

Zombie Superheroes [Spoiler for BN:WW#2]
So, something I learned today was: The only thing better than a possessed zombie Wonder Woman is a possessed zombie Wonder Woman making out with Batman (and drawn by Nicola Scott.) It was totally a What The…? moment, but like Christmas at the same time. Hee. (Preview pages here, for those interested.)
I have an Xmas pic of me in Wonder Woman Underoos somewhere…
Feeling nostalgic? I saw this at io9.com — a blog called Growing Up Heroes, with a bunch of kids in their superhero costumes. My Underoos were just like this (the girl on the Big Wheel — I didn’t have one of those, but someone in my family did, because once I wheeled it backward off […]

Worlds colliding!
I lurk at a few places, and one of my favorites lately has been the Wonder Woman forum at CBR. Every now and then, I’ll see someone from this romancey neck of the woods there. This happened again recently, but in a reverse kind of way — I was looking through the ads in RT […]

A post that is theoretically about writing…
…and setting a scene, but more about me being a fangirl. Hi! This is the opening page from SECRET SIX #12 (Gail Simone, writer; Nicola Scott, penciller, image totally stolen from The Source, DC’s blog). Meet Wonder Woman’s legs and the Secret Six: When it comes to showing, comics have an enormous advantage over prose. We […]

Comix4Sight.com — auctioning art and more
Just a heads up for those of you interested in the comic book world and good-cause donations: Comix4Sight.com is holding auctions to help John Ostrander, a writer, raise the money necessary to pay for his glaucoma surgery (find out more here). They have different items up for auction every Monday; you can check here to […]

Storytime with Missy, Part 2
Note: This was originally published in 2005 on my old blog, but the fanfic from yesterday reminded me of it, and after some prompting from Maili (she didn’t have to prompt very hard) I decided to republish it, because you can never have too much action figure action. Part 1 is here. MELJEAN: So, here […]

Storytime with Missy, Part 1
Note: This was originally published in 2005 on my old blog, but the fanfic from yesterday reminded me of it, and after some prompting from Maili (she didn’t have to prompt very hard) I decided to republish it, because you can never have too much action figure action. The second part will go up tomorrow. […]
Meljean vs. End of this Book
I’m not sure which one of us is going to win. Or even which of us is the monster and which is WW. Also, I can’t wait for this movie. …and, back to work.
Better than the amnesia kiss?
(Side note: I saw Superman II one billion times while I was growing up. This and Beastmaster, because they were on the same VHS tape. Yeah, and that bit of info probably explains a lot about me.)

Gambit, SQUEE! And other links
Via CBR, Screen Rant has a first look at the upcoming Wolverine movie, and my favorite Cajun … Gambit. The picture isn’t as awesome as the character is, but I have hope for the movie. I believe there is one day left in the “I Know What a Scoundrel Wants!” contest. Head on over to Ann […]
My daughter and I just had a discussion about why Robin…
is on both Teen Titans and Batman. My geeky heart floats.

Oct 25 Winner: Leah! — and WW Day pictures
Leah (#17), you’ve won the Erin McCarthy/Kristan Higgins pack, plus a book from my backlist! Congratulations! Also, here are some pictures from WW Day at Excalibur Comics in Portland: My wonder tot, Wonder Woman, and me. I’m not sure who was more excited — my daughter or me :joker: It was very cute, though — […]
Oct 26: Wonder Woman Day
DECISION ’08 OCTOBER 26 Days left until DEMON BOUND is out: 9 Days left until the national election: 9 If you are looking for the daily vote, you’re in the right spot. If you are looking for where you’re supposed to vote for the grand prize or post your link to the Decision ’08 widget, […]
Wonder Woman Day (aka Reason #157 I lurve Portland) and a poll about contests
This is where I will be on Sunday, October 26: stalking Gail Simone with my own little Wonder Tot at my side. (Thanks to Megan Frampton for the heads up!) Not really related, but I’m thinking about contests to celebrate the release of Demon Bound. So here’s a poll: [poll id=”6″]