This is just where I add all of my favorite things that I usually share on Twitter or Facebook, but don’t really warrant their own blog post. Warning: I’m a dork and it shows.
Captured for posterity, so the world will remember why Meljean died: the Superman Ken doll, undressed.
Meljean’s Motivational Poster for Writers
The Flash Protocols 1 – Meljean Makes Desktop Wallpaper
The Flash Protocols 2 – Meljean Makes Desktop Wallpaper
The only Snuggie-like thing I would ever buy.
I wasn’t looking for WoW. Whoops.
This might be the best movie title ever. I must watch it.
Gah. This might be my favorite WW ever…except for when I dress up.
The next book in the Guardian Series. Unlike other authors who write YA, I write for little kids.
My favorite icon ever.
Barbarians in Space! Still my favorite Lindsey.
Bees. My God.
It doesn’t make any sense BUT I DON’T CARE. Art by Nicola Scott.
Told ya.
Jiggleypuffffffff, jiggleeeeeeeepufff.
“Wanna breed?” Still my favorite movie couple. *hearty eyes*
My future wife (Alice, not Milla. Although I heart her so much. I’ll watch anything with her in it.)
If you don’t follow my personal Facebook page, you probably aren’t aware of how much I like the new Aquaman (and if you do follow it, this post probably won’t come as a surprise to you.) Things I also like? Wonder Woman, comic books, and action figures. So when my sister Echo ran across an Aquaman […]
What with one thing and another, a conversation on Twitter led up to this: @theeasyvirtue @mostlybree @smexys_sidekick @smexybooks My next hero says it when he unzips his pants. — Meljean Brook (@Meljean) January 5, 2015 But the Blacksmith does not conceal the Goats of War behind his zipper. He doesn’t even HAVE a zipper, because […]
Happy April 1st Since it is April 1st, it’s a good day to announce that I’m no longer writing steampunk or paranormal stuff and switching over to New Adult. The cover reveal for my first book is up at Dear Author. And I’ll be M. Brook now, because initials are cool. Like bow-ties. Wrecked is still […]
I am currently caught in the same, endless pre-convention debate that I always have: to self-tan, or not to self-tan. I’ve tagged this post “bloodsuckers” because after being in a deadline cave for a year, my legs are as white as a vampire’s. (Though I can’t really blame the cave. Even when I’m not working […]
So, I’ve pretty much accepted the fact that the reason I like to buy these tanks from Target is not just because they are cheap and comfortable, and nice to layer with other stuff. It’s mostly because I end up feeling like this: Badass. I
I’m mostly in a cave, except when I pop out to check Twitter and Facebook. And then happily stumble across this: Apparently, half of the internet is down because GoDaddy was hacked … but there are always cat videos left to entertain us. h/t Aurora Lynne
My BFF from my fanfic days remembered that I wrote a story about Wonder Woman and a unicorn. So she sent me this: That would have been awesome enough. But this is what it does when you pull out the unicorn. Thank you to my daughter for assisting me while I record this monumental occasion.
Despite tearing my shelves apart to find them, I can’t locate the box of 3,000 address labels that I bought last year for my Heart of Steel postcard mailout. So I am on my way to Office Depot to buy another box. Anyone want to take bets on how quickly I’ll find the damn labels […]
Remember to use this… Because a few years later a kid might ask you to take her to a movie, and this will be stuck in your head FOREVER. Now you know. And knowing is half the battle.
The Sheepshifter’s Daughter* His name was Randy. He came in the night, his devil-eyes flashing under the full moonlight. She succumbed to temptation. He left before morning. A month later, she felt the quickening. Should she tell him? No. He’d left her. She would have his secret baby. Even if he offered up his billions […]
She’s back and hotter than ever! Lady Lara Coughed has never been defeated. Not by giant spiders or rabid dogs, or even by those crazy militants who always show up in the tombs she’s exploring. But will her big guns be big enough to protect her when she faces her deadliest foe yet? This time […]
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Ova. She wasn’t like the other princesses, who each had long and flowing tresses. Ova, the poor thing, only had a small blond fringe at the top of her head. “No one will ever believe I’m a princess!” Ova sobbed into her Fallopian pillow every […]
I was just thinking of the reconstruction of the Australopithecus afarensis at the Museum of Natural History and thinking, Awwww, they were so cute! when I remembered that the little cutie would probably rip my face off with her teeth if I tried to hug her. So much for sweet ol’ great-grandmas*. —- *…great- great- […]
The Love Story of a Girl and a Sucker Those of you on Facebook have probably seen bits of my Endless Vacuum War. I’ve gone through three vacuums in two years, and each one clogged/burned out the motor/died in some horrible way. On Facebook, I lamented on their crappiness often. About two weeks ago, I […]
Slip trading cards (A) and complete Guardian series list (B) into penny sleeves (1). Drink Diet Coke with Lime (2). Slide (1) containing (A) and (B) into rigid top loaders (3) so that they are ready to mail out to the trading card winners (5), because I totally wasn’t kidding when I said it would […]
Step 1: On Friday night, a little after midnight, decide that you really want something to drink from the kitchen. Step 2: Get up from your desk where you’ve been writing and walk through the living room, where your husband is on the sofa, watching the Chicago-Boston game and eating grapes. Step 3: Make some […]