The Latest From the Blog

Free audiobook and ebook, and two giveaways!
(scroll down for giveway links) BITE ME is available to listen for free on the Read Me Romance podcast! I’m also giving away a bunch of books. A collection of links below! READ ME ROMANCE is featuring a short story of mine, BITE ME, on their podcast as a free audiobook! They split the book […]

Minor updates to a few stories
Hey there Just in case any notifications go out about updated content on your Kindle and you’re wondering, “Meljean, what the heck is this?” — I’ve just done a few cosmetic updates for two Iron Seas novellas, and am in the process of updating a short werewolf story. Wrecked & The Blushing Bounder […]

A TOUCH OF STONE & SNOW is now available in print & ebook!
Today marks the release of A TOUCH OF STONE & SNOW, book two in the Gathering of Dragons trilogy! This book continues a few years after we left off with A HEART OF BLOOD AND ASHES, and although the hero and heroine are brand new to the series, you’ll recognize some familiar faces from that […]

THE BEAST OF BLACKMOOR is now available as a standalone ebook!
THE BEAST OF BLACKMOOR is available now as a standalone ebook! This barbarian fantasy romance was previously included in the Night Shift anthology way back in 2014, and introduced the world where the Gathering of Dragons trilogy is set. Where does it fit in the series? Chronologically, the novella takes place just before the events […]

The Love Over Hate Auction! Signed Iron Seas books & so much more!
THE LOVE OVER HATE AUCTION IS LIVE! I’m so proud today to be participating in LOVE OVER HATE, an auction to benefit organizations that are fighting systemic racism. Over one hundred romance authors have come together to stand in solidarity with the demands for change happening worldwide and to promote causes that are dedicated to affecting that change. This auction will […]

Two Cover Reveals for Milla!
Hi everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful summer, staying healthy and safe. I’ve been busy writing (and not doing much else) but today I have a little exciting news — not one but TWO cover reveals! We’re also only a little more than a month away from the release of A TOUCH OF […]

A Heart of Blood and Ashes is here!
A barbarian king blazing a path of vengeance. A captive princess surviving on courage and wits. In this epic fantasy romance, their fiery union will either burn the western realms to ashes—or forge a new alliance that will save them from the return of an ancient evil…

Burnout, alphas and #metoo, villains vs good guys, and dinosaurs — and giveaways, too!
Tomorrow’s the release day for A HEART OF BLOOD AND ASHES! The last time I released something as Meljean or Milla was 2014. If you’ve been following my blog, you know some of the struggles I had getting the Blacksmith out (and with my barbarian story taking longer than I expected.) I talk a little […]

Happy New Year! Meljean’s (actually Milla’s) release schedule in 2020, and regarding pen names:
Hey all! It’s about a month away from the release of A HEART OF BLOOD AND ASHES! Just a quick reminder: this series has a new pen name for a reason! It’s darker than my work as Meljean … which might seem funny to say, considering how many dismembered body parts were flying around in […]
Milla Vane and Vengeance (has a new title.)
I just realized that I never updated my blog here with the news. Vengeance has a new title and release date! A generation past, the western realms were embroiled in endless war. Then the Destroyer came. From the blood and ashes he left behind, a tenuous alliance rose between the barbarian riders of Parsathe and […]
August 2013: Guardian Demon is here! If you’ve missed any books in the series, you can catch up on The Story So Far, or check out my Guardian Retrospective posts (which include all of the trivia you need to follow along with the worldbuilding.)
April 2013: Many moons have passed without an update on this page. First of all … I’ve finally finished Guardian Demon! Michael’s book is long, long, long, and it will be out on August 6th. Tethered, the epilogue novella to Heart of Steel, released on April 2nd. I’ve updated the Upcoming page with releases through the end of August. I’ve released the cover for Fire & Frost, an anthology that will include an Iron Seas story, and the print collection for Fire & Frost and Wild & Steamy. The ebook anthology should be available at the end of this month, and the print version available by mid-May.
ALSO! Riveted won RT Book Reviews’ Editor’s Pick for Best Book of the Year! I’ll be in Kansas City in May to accept that award — if you are at the RT Convention, be sure to say hi!
October 2012: Guardian Demon has a cover and a page! Find out more here.
September 2012: Riveted is now available in print, as an ebook, and in audio!
August 2012: The ebook edition of Mina Wentworth and the Invisible City is here! This novella is also available in the mass-market print edition of The Iron Duke.
July 2012: The mass market edition of Heart of Steel is here! This includes the print version of ‘Tethered,’ an epilogue novella starring Yasmeen and Archimedes. This novella should soon be available as an ebook.
May 2012: I’ve given the site a much-needed facelift. There might be a few broken links and missing images here and there; those should all be fixed soon.
March 2012: RIVETED has a cover and a website page!
February 2012: Riveted (The Iron Seas #3) is up for pre-order at Amazon, which means that it should soon be up for pre-order at Barnes & Noble, Powells, and The Book Depository, as well. I’ve seen some pictures from the cover photo shoot, and now I can’t wait to see the final version. They look absolutely freaking amazing.
January 2012: The mass market edition of The Iron Duke is out, and includes the novella ‘Mina Wentworth and the Invisible City.’ This story will be out as an ebook later this year.
December 2011: I can’t believe it’s the end of 2011! I’ve got my head in the sand writing the next steampunk novel (Riveted) — I hope you have a fantastic holiday season!
November 2011: Heart of Steel is here — and Wild & Steamy is free for a limited time! I hope you enjoy both stories!
October 2011: Angels of Darkness releases on the 4th — I hope you enjoy Radha and Marc’s story as much as I did writing it! If you missed my author/editor chat with Cindy Hwang at Berkley Publishing, you can find it here. I answer many, many reader questions (but if you have more, I’m always available through my contact page!)
September 2011: Demon Marked is now available! Whether Michael ever escapes from the frozen field depends upon the fate of one woman — a woman who can’t even remember her name.
August 2011: Wild & Steamy is out! This short novella stars Constable Newberry from The Iron Duke, and can serve as a standalone prequel to the series.
July 2011: There will be a Rhys/Mina novella in January 2012’s mass market re-issue of THE IRON DUKE. It will take place after the events of that book, and will be later released as a solo ebook. Also, I’ve made a page for WILD & STEAMY, a self-pubbed anthology with Jill Myles and Carolyn Crane, and featuring Constable Newberry’s love story.
June 2011: I have a spoiler-free excerpt available for the Angels of Darkness novella, ‘Ascension.’ I’ve also received the final artwork from Kitsune Steele for the Iron Seas trading cards, and sent them off to the printer. To see Mina’s, click here. After RWA is over (early July), I’ll put up a page telling you where and how you can get your set of cards.
May 2011: I have a spoiler-free excerpt available for Demon Marked on its book page. I should have more excerpts up by the end of the month.
April 2011: The Iron Duke won RT BookReviews Reviewer’s Choice Award for Best Paranormal Romance of 2010! Thank you so much to RT magazine, and all of my readers! I cannot express how thrilled I am, and how awesome this honor is.
March 2011: The Iron Duke and ‘Here There Be Monsters’ won the paranormal romance and novella categories in All About Romance’s Annual Reader Poll! Thank you so much! I also have a new page for international readers, linked to the flag icon in the menu.
I’ve also updated my Extras page with Romance Trading Cards. These are limited edition character trading cards made for the RT Booklovers Convention in April, but if you aren’t attending, don’t worry! I’ll keep several sets to give away to my readers.
February 2011: Fabulous news for U.K. readers (and for those of us who love to see foreign covers) — Penguin UK will be re-issuing The Iron Duke and Heart of Steel! I’ll post more details as soon as I have them. Closer to home, The Iron Duke has just gone into its third printing — more printings than any of my other books have had. Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm about this new series, and getting the word out!
Late January, 2011: I’m so, so pleased to announce that a German publisher, Egmont, has acquired the German language rights for The Iron Duke and Heart of Steel, and I’m thrilled to be working with them! The books will be issued in mass-market from the LYX line — watch this space for details on release dates! Plus, Angels of Darkness has an absolutely gorgeous cover. That anthology will be released in October 2011.
January 2011: Happy New Year! It’s going to be a busy one, so I’m putting my blog on hiatus until June (I think); the archives will remain public and accessible. I will publish any important announcements through the RSS feed or my e-mail newsletter, and will continue to post every Thursday at Odd Shots. This page will also be updated every month, as usual.
December 2010: Demon Marked has a cover, and I’ve sold three more books in the Iron Seas (steampunk romance series), which means that there will be at least five total novels. I expect that the first of the newly-contracted books will be released somewhere around late 2012 (a year after Heart of Steel in November of 2011), and every six months after that. I am very, very pleased to be working with Cindy Hwang at Berkley again (and thanks to my agent, Roberta Brown, for making the process absolutely painless!)
November 2010: THE IRON DUKE is a RT BookReviews 2010 Reviewers’ Choice Nominee in the paranormal romance category, and one of Publishers Weekly‘s Best of 2010 picks. It has also remained on several national romance trade bestseller lists for almost four weeks now. Thank you to RT and PW, but especially to my readers. Your enthusiasm for the book has simply blown me away (and I’m working like crazy to make sure the next one lives up to the first.) Thank you!
October 2010: THE IRON DUKE is out, and hit several trade romance bestseller lists: #3 at Borders, #6 at Barnes & Noble, and #13 on Booklist. This is by far the best showing that any of my books have had in their release week, and it’s all due to my readers. Thank you all so much!
August 2010: BURNING UP is out! My steampunk series launched with ‘Here There Be Monsters’ … and the anthology hit both the New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists! Thank you so much to all of my readers. I’ve also begun an e-mail newsletter and a postcard mailing list. To sign up for either of these lists, please go here.
July 2010: DEMON BLOOD releases! Rosalia and Deacon find their happily-ever-after, and we meet the hero of DEMON MARKED, the next Guardian novel: Nicholas St. Croix. I’m writing his book now, and he’s proving to be just as difficult as Colin, Deacon, and Jake combined. I think that’s a good thing! Because the bigger these heroes think they are, the harder they fall … and he’s got one hell of a woman to fall for.
June 2010: I’ve sold the final books in the Guardian series! Look for DEMON MARKED in August 2011, a novella in the FALLING ANGELS anthology in October 2011, and Michael’s book (yay!) in 2012. I know that seems like a long way off, but it gives me time to write the best finish to the series possible. Thank you all so much for your support of the series — I wouldn’t have been able to finish without you!
May 2010: THE IRON DUKE has a cover! I’ve also added the cover copy to THE IRON DUKE’s book page. If you’re looking for a sneak peek, an excerpt will be available in DEMON BLOOD and BURNING UP, and on this site closer to the release date in October.
March 2010: THE IRON DUKE is available for pre-order at I will put up the links at other online stores as they become available.
February 2010: I’ve added a free read to the site. ‘In Sheep’s Clothing’ is a short story originally published in THE MAMMOTH BOOK OF PARANORMAL ROMANCE. Distribute at will, and enjoy!
December 2009: Demon Forged is nominated for an RT BookReviews Reviewers’ Choice award! This is very cool news; thank you, RT!
Nov 2009: DEMON BLOOD has a cover! Feel free to drop by my blog and tell me what you think of Rosalia and Deacon’s look!
October 2009: I’ve received the cover for Burning Up, an anthology featuring Angela Knight, Nalini Singh, and Virginia Kantra, and which will include my first Iron Seas novella, ‘Here There Be Monsters.’ Demon Blood (July 2010) and Burning Up (August 2010) are both available for pre-order at Amazon, but not yet listed at other bookstores. I’ll have those links ASAP.
September 2009: Must Love Hellhounds appeared on the New York Times bestseller list. Thank you so much to all of my readers!
September 2009: Ilona Andrews, Nalini Singh, Patrice Michelle, Jill Myles and I have started a group author blog, Odd Shots. I post on Fridays, but every day should be a great time. Come check it out!
August 2009: I’ve updated the Primer through DEMON FORGED, added a timeline, finished the glossary, and included new sections detailing the abilities and rules governing the beings in the Guardian universe.
July 2009: We have a title for the 10th book in the Guardian series! DEMON BLOOD will be out in 2010. I will be adding more information after the release of DEMON FORGED, since the book’s description will hold minor spoilers for the plot of Irena and Alejandro’s book.
Mar 2009: My novella ‘Thicker Than Blood’ has been nominated for a RITA! See all of the nominees at the official RWA website.
Mar 2009: Now MUST LOVE HELLHOUNDS has a cover and a page.
Feb 2009: DEMON FORGED has a cover! Feel free to drop by my blog and tell me what you think of the new look.
Jan 2009: The mass-market release of WILD THING is now available.
Jan 2009: Website updated. The site is being redesigned, so a few links and pages aren’t active yet, but they will be soon! If you are new to the Guardian series, don’t forget to visit the Primer, which includes a series overview and a glossary. Bookmarks and other extras are available on the Extras page, and I run contests and have (almost) daily updates on my blog.
Nov 2008: DEMON BOUND is in stores!
Oct 2008: I’ve signed with Berkley for the next two books in the Guardians series, and a new steampunk romance series called the Iron Seas. DEMON FORGED (Irena & Alejandro’s story) will be available next year.