Jake takes a trip to Hell! and a few early GUARDIAN DEMON reviews.
I am gone all next week, but I have scheduled in…Guardian Retrospective Posts!! Yay, finally! And GUARDIAN DEMON is almost here! It releases the day after I return, but I’m going to try to check in as much as possible during the vacation.
Until then, I have a guest post up at All Things Urban Fantasy as part of their “Deadly Destinations” event! It’s a short scene set directly after Demon Marked, and Jake takes a trip to Hell, looking for Michael. There’s a giveaway for two copies of GUARDIAN DEMON, too!
ATUF also has a spoiler-free review up for GUARDIAN DEMON.
It also received a TOP PICK! at RT Book Reviews. W00t!
For those wondering about FROZEN — I will be sending out review copies very shortly (there is a sign-up form here, but please note that it closes after the first 100 reviewers sign up.) I will be sending the novella off for final proofing before formatting the ebooks, and then I’ll upload it ASAP. Right now, however, I’m so late that I have to wait so that it doesn’t conflict with GUARDIAN DEMON’s release, because that is just a bad no-no on my contract. I am so, SO sorry for the delay.