Minor updates to a few stories

Hey there
Just in case any notifications go out about updated content on your Kindle and you’re wondering, “Meljean, what the heck is this?” — I’ve just done a few cosmetic updates for two Iron Seas novellas, and am in the process of updating a short werewolf story.
Wrecked & The Blushing Bounder — No real changes! Just a cover update to remove the old anthology photo from the bottom, as well as quickly reformatting the ebook (I hand-coded the original versions, so this time I just used Vellum so that updating them will be quicker in the future.)
Bite Me — this was originally called “In Sheep’s Clothing” and this revised version is actually more like the original version, before some of the spicier content was edited out for inclusion in the Mammoth Book of Paranormal Romance. “In Sheep’s Clothing” is still available in that antho, and used to be available way back when in an anthology called “Under Her Skin” with Ilona Andrews and Jeaniene Frost. The primary change was adding the sexy stuff back in, plus I’ve run through it and made a few minor changes to dialogue and bulking up the action scenes and emotional interactions a tiny bit. This is still a short story, even though it has been expanded by about 25%.
Anyway, I seem to have lost the signed copy of my contract from 2008 (this is stupid, don’t do this) so I’m currently waiting to hear from the publisher before I can upload it to Amazon (I already tried that and they laughed and said “show me your paperwork” and I was like “oops, I only have the unsigned pdf of the contract” and also, when you only have five days to turn paperwork in, the holidays are the worst time to try to contact a publisher for a copy of a contract and/or a letter acknowledging that you can publish a story because they have non-exclusive rights.)
So the link for the expanded and revised version is coming, but if I decide not to bother much more with it (hot author tip: digitize your a copy of your signed contracts when you receive them) I might give it away free later. We’ll see!