Missy is alive and well inside me.
You know how when you were Missy’s age you would lie in bed and daydream about that ONE GUY who never looked at shy, awkward little you, but in your head you could imagine him slowly noticing how awesome you were, but then you found out you were sick and had to reject him and he went to another girl and they were both really mean to you but he really loved you and wanted you back, but you had to be mean to him because you were DYING and he could NEVER KNOW and you were going to waste away pitifully by yourself, unloved, and then everyone would find out afterward and that ONE GUY would never be happy again because you were DEAD!*
That’s what this book is like.
And I loved every second of it.
*Wait … you didn’t do this? Ummmmmmmm.
::backs slowly away::