Novella Test Readers — Thank you!
A note to my regular readers: I will be giving away copies of the novella after it releases! I don’t mean to leave you out. Unfortunately, the nature of the novellas just means that I have to ask new readers to look them over. But I always, always have tons of giveaways, so there will be more opportunities.
And a huge thank you to everyone who volunteered for test reading the novellas! I didn’t expect so many entries, but that’s probably a good thing. I realized that if I only picked three or four, there’s a possibility (as there always is) that real life will get in the way and prevent those readers from responding within the next month or so. So I asked for 12 numbers, instead.
Stephanie Bedard
Virginia Cantrell
Melissa (My World…in words and pages)
Danielle Monsch
Ann-Marie Stewart
Jenni Ebba
I’ll be e-mailing each of you a copy of the novellas — please fill out the following form so that I know what format to send you. After you’re done reading, I will set up a page where you can enter your thoughts about the novellas and whether they are accessible to new readers. (Details will be in the e-mail.)
Thank you so much!
[gravityform id=”4″ name=”Novella Test Readers”]