Someday, I will be totally satisfied with my site.
I spent half the day researching stuff for the steampunk books and half the day writing DEMON DAWN. I always feel guilty researching — like it’s not productive, even though, of course, it’s necessary.
I’ve also deleted the new blog theme, because I couldn’t get the formatting to work correctly (or the comments). So, it’s back to this (which I like well enough; I just want something to match the official site) until I find a theme that I can tweak to my satisfaction.
I’m resisting overhauling the entire site; it isn’t easy, but it needs to wait until I a) have a “look” for the steampunk books and b) have enough free time to justify it (see above about research and guilt) and c) get the glossary finished first, anyway.
Cover of the day (found at KMont’s blog):
That’s purty.