Steampunk Romance – Any questions?

This Saturday, I’m going to be at the San Diego RWA chapter meeting talking about steampunk romance (this is open to non-RWA members, too — attendance details are here.) I have pages and pages of notes on the things I plan to cover, but now I’m trying to think of (and prepare for) questions that might not have occurred to me.
So: Is there anything about steampunk romance that you are still wondering about? (Not necessarily my series, but in general?) Please feel free to ask here.
I’m going to selfishly use your questions to make certain that I’ve covered my bases for the meeting on Saturday; hopefully I’ve already jotted down notes on everything, but I imagine that I’ve left a few holes. But I will also answer each question here on my blog over the next couple of weeks (depending on how many questions I get) so that you’re not just left hanging there after helping me out.