The lost history of the Iron Seas + website woes + THE END IS ALMOST HERE!

The lost history of the Iron Seas
Okay, so it’s not really lost! It just hasn’t been explicitly stated in the books. Jen Twimom of That’s What I’m Talking About sent me a few questions about the relationship between Nippon, the Golden Empire, and the rebellion … and I took a few pages to answer her. Plus, there’s a giveaway!
Website Woes
So I’m having a few issues with my site. I’ve had to deactivate my contact/signup forms for a little while — if you need to email me, I’m at (and we’ll cross fingers that I receive them). Hopefully this will be resolved soon.
The serial is almost finished — just one more week!
I’m probably just going to bawl on Tuesday. Because that’s the way I am. This has been a fun experiment, at times a stressful one, and thanks to everyone who hung in there (whether you read the serial as it came out or intend to wait.)
I’m way behind on collecting reviews and quotes. I’m still catching up (and writing the first Milla Vane/barbarian novella) so it might take me a little while. So thank you SO MUCH for your patience, and please keep linking to your reviews if you want me to add them. 🙂