Vengeance ARC Sign Up

So! I expect this story (long novella or short novel or whatever it turns out to be) will be finished around the end of August/beginning of September. At that point, I would like to send out advance review copies to interested readers. However!
This is by Milla Vane, not Meljean Brook
There’s a reason why I use a different pen name for these stories: they are darker in tone and content than my Meljean Brook stories (and seriously, I’ve had readers who said they won’t read Meljean again because of my first story in this world, so I’m really not kidding about the difference!) I will be putting ALL THE TRIGGER WARNINGS on the novella when it comes out, because although the sexual relationship between the hero and heroine is consensual (though sometimes more of a power struggle than strictly romantic) the world itself is not full of consensual things and terrible things happen to people in it. There is a happy ending (of course) and baddies will get what they deserve (most of them do) but it won’t always be the easiest journey.
If you’ve read THE BEAST OF BLACKMOOR (in the NIGHT SHIFT antho) you’ll have a pretty good idea of what you’re getting into (although VENGEANCE is even a bit darker).
If you haven’t read that novella, then maybe think GRRM but without all the main character deaths? Except I haven’t read or really watched GAME OF THRONES so even that, I’m just going by what I pick up from spoilers online.
I haven’t even written up a story description yet
Because writing cover copy is SO HARD. Basically it’s set in a world where there are a bunch of warrior barbarians and ancient- and medieval-type societies and swords and axes and velociraptors and demons and gods and mammoths. And
It’s about a warrior whose family was killed by the heroine’s family, and he’s determined to get his revenge … and he has no idea that the heroine wants vengeance even more than he does.
Oh, and she’s a lot smarter than him, too.
I have (kind of) an excerpt up here — part of this was cut (too wordy and dense!) but most of the final bit will actually be in the book. So you can get a feel for it, at least.
So! If you feel like you would like a copy to REVIEW (I don’t care where, but a review would be awesome — and here is my review policy, just in case you’re worried that I’ll be an author beast) then sign up below!
The entries are limited to one hundred reviewers. Leave a comment if you have any problems.
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