Wanted: Saw it. Loved it.
So, I went and saw Wanted, and thought it was great. Pretty much everything the reviewer at Pajiba said (foul language lurks at this link, so don’t click if you don’t want to read it), I’d agree with.
It’s also one of those movies where you have to suspend your disbelief (really suspend it), or I don’t think it’s quite as enjoyable. Wanted would never work as a book, because so much depends on the visuals: from the letters that fly off the broken keyboard, to the final (gun)shot — and the plot, if you think about it too much, just doesn’t hang together very well. Luckily, it’s fast-paced enough that you don’t have too much time to think — and some of the more absurd things that happen are so slickly presented that instead of rolling my eyes, I just ended up having a really great time.
Only three weeks now until Batman.