What day is it?
Usually when I say that, it’s a bad thing. But in this case, I’ve just been working on the page proofs for DEMON MOON, and having a great time. I must have read through it five more times this week, and I still love the characters and the story. It’s long, it’s long, it’s long, but I haven’t yet found myself skimming through any sections. I think that’s good. They went out by FedEx this afternoon (after it took 10 days for my last overnight express to get to my publisher, the Post Office is dead to me.)
Now it’s back to DEMON NIGHT, and trying to use Jaci Burton’s idea of fast-drafting through the remainder of the first draft. I’ve never tried that before (I usually edit as I go along) but I’m going to attempt it … and if I find myself freaking out, I still have lots of time to do it as I usually would, because the deadline isn’t until the end of May. And in the background, I’ll be making up ARCs for DEMON MOON to send to booksellers (which means getting binding/quotes from various copy/printer shops) formatting the e-ARCs to send to reviewers, and getting ready to promote the hell out of it.
In other news, I’ve been tagged to mention 10 weird things about myself. I can’t think of 10 things, so I might add to this as I go along.
6. If I’m wearing pants or jeans I cannot tolerate the hem of my pant being caught in any way by my shoes. The tongue of my tennis shoes? The heel? *all-over-body shudder* If I notice it, I will do ANYTHING to get the pant to fall straight again. Which is why I usually wear flip-flops or boots, or my handy little Doc Martens that are way comfortable and sit flush against my feet.
7. Okay, I’m out of weird things.
Not tagging anyone, because I don’t know anyone who hasn’t been tagged. And because I’m morally opposed to tagging. (Ooh! that can be #7!)
7. I’m morally opposed to tagging.