Wonder Woman goes Bi
This is not a comment about Paradise Island and the lack of men.
She’s going bi-monthly. Bi-monthly!
She was just relaunched, woot woot huge deal, marketing push, the whole she-bang! …and DC puts her bi-monthly. The writer, apparently, can’t keep up with his deadlines. The celebrity writer and/or artist — who, to be fair, are actually doing a decent job and whose other comics are pretty darn good, too — but SOMEONE CAN’T KEEP UP WITH HIS DEADLINES.
The problem is, WONDER WOMAN is not an independent title. It’s not about the writer. It’s not PROMETHEA, for example. It’s not even ALL-STAR BATMAN AND ROBIN.
It’s a fricking superhero comic book, about one of the BIG EFFING THREE superheroes in the DC Universe…
…and she’s bi-monthly.
Good job, DC. Great way to relaunch the most iconic heroine in comic book history. Great way to get that buzz going. Great way to keep the interest high.
At least JLA is always on time…*blink*
I sure hope that Berkley makes certain to not publish DEMON MOON until…oh (what’s equivalent in the comic book world?) two years after DEMON ANGEL? That’ll keep readers begging for more.